"Romances" is a tasty, medium tempo song rife with distorted guitars-both rhythm and lead-plus an energetic foundation of drums and bass backing it all up. Quality of the strings aside, it's a nice, different way to intro the song. In short, you never feel like they're trying to be someone or something they're not.The song "Great Romances Of The 20th Century" starts out with some simple, if a little cheesy and obviously electronic, string parts. Yet as much as they can sound like a punk band, all it takes is some careful listening (pay close attention to the lyrics) and you'll remember just what kind of band Taking Back Sunday is, and I mean that as a good thing.

Although containing an extremely emo-infused first couple of lines, this song keeps a nice fast, almost cut-time feel to it, and the chorus seems pretty much like it could come out of any pop-punk outfit currently in the scene. In the case of "Cute Without the 'E' (Cut From the Team)", thankfully it's the former instead of the latter. It's usually either well-done or extremely crappy. Now I've always been intrigued to hear an emo band return to the punk roots from which the genre came. It rocks out at a medium tempo and contains a pretty sweet breakdown featuring the bass guitar and some dichotomy between two different vocal parts that seem to blend together surprisingly well. Relatively weak opening lines aside, the song is pretty well performed musically. However, I am a firm believer in second chances, so I decided to hold judgment 'til the end of the record. After some nice guitar noodling, accompanied by some great drum parts the song "You Know How I Do" kicks in with the lines "so sick (so sick) of being tired / and oh so tired of being sick." Hmm, kind of cliché, which doesn't bode too well for these guys. Taking into account that I believe the first few lines of any CD are often the most telling hint of what's to come for, TBS get off to a somewhat shaky start.

Good lyrics, crappy music or crappy lyrics, good music, whatever the case may be the end result is the same: It truly takes away from what could have been a great experience.
It's painful to hear a great poem full of emotion and feelings, only to writhe in your seat as you listen to the horribly implemented music and vocals. Furthermore, I hate it when certain emo bands think that it's all about the lyrics, not the music behind the words or even the singing of said words. It's very touch-and-go you can have some genuine, heartfelt bands who really just tell it like it is and then you can have the whiny, "my girlfriend left me so I'm going to write a CD's-worth of songs about how much I hate her now" type of bands. Emo is a pretty ponderous subject for me.